Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Total Money Makeover Week 3: Saving Some Change

So we are on the 3rd week of Total Money Makeover, and I am proud to say I'm embracing it! My main feeling is FREEDOM! I feel free from the worry that I may be spending money that I don't actually have. Before, I would spend it and then feel guilt when I would look at the budget and realize I had mady a horrible mental-miscalculation, and no we didn't actually have that money to spend.

Something we have decided to do in our envelope system is to round up every dollar we spend and save the change. By doing this we saved $9 last week alone. If we average that number for a whole year that would be $468. A nice little chunk of change resulting from very little effort. I'm thinking we will save ours for a nice little Christmas fund :)

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