Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Saying 'No' Hurts!

Wow! We have only been on the 'Total Money Makeover' for 5 days, and it is already changing our outlook on certain things we do. Personally, it is making me realize how haphazard I have been with money the last 10 years. This new system makes us much more accountable for our financial actions. In a weird way it is making me feel empowered.

It hurts to have to tell ourselves no, but this is exactly what we need if we ever expect to 'live like no one else.' Dave's plan is making us examine more than just money, it is making us examine our lifestyle as well. We have been wasteful people with our resources. Hopefully, our eyes will continue to be opened to ways we can change for the better.

Today, a friend invited us to a local amusement park. Old me would have jumped on the opportunity because it sounds so fun and we love being with our friends. New budget-minded me had to say no, because I know that we have vacation coming up next week, and the numbers show that I can't spare the money today.

I hated to say no, but I realize these are decisions rational, budget-minded people make everyday. Either we have the money or we don't, but one thing that is going to change is spending it now and searching for it later. That is the way we have lived in the past, and it is NOT the way to be.

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