I read on one website that extreme couponing could save anywhere between 50-70% off of your monthly grocery bill.
So, just as a general number to go on, I decided to see exactly what my average grocery expenses have been over the last 3 months.
Our Average Grocery Expense Jan-March was $643. So let's assume over the next 12 months I would spend $7,716 if I kept spending at my current rate.
If I could save 50% on my grocery bill that would be a savings of $3,858 in a 12 month period. This would go well above my "save a paycheck" goal!
Since I have started mid-April I won't be able to have an accurate # of what couponing is saving me a month until the end of May. And, I actually expect it to take several months past that to get an accurate savings amount, because being new to this it will take me a long time to learn all the ropes.
Plus, I am not sure how extreme I am willing to go. I think you have to be very flexible on name brands, and you have to be willing to plan your meals around coupons/sales, not cravings to save this type of money. Maybe I am wrong, but I think it has to be all about the savings, not the taste buds.
Another thing, I am a pretty timid personality, and I don't like to do anything to draw attention to myself. Mild couponing has never been embarrassing to me, but causing a line to form behind me at checkout while the cashier takes off $50 worth of coupons....now that is an "embarrassment" hurdle I will have to get past.
Guess we will see if the savings are worth the time and 'embarrassment' as I go.
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